We are Harmony Validator
We are NFT Artist
We are NFTforEveryONE

Your dedication to decentralization and art keep us inspired!

Stake with us

Harmony ONE Validator

Multiple servers signing blocks for high rewards

Stake with us
DaVinci NFT Artist

All art pieces have unique characteristics & personal touch

Visit Gallery

Validator Stats

We take high pride and work hard for these numbers!

Staked $ONE
Annual Return %
Stake with us

Uptime and annual return changes every epoch (a cycle of block validation, usually lasts between 18 to 24 hours)


Harmony $ONE Validator

"A validator in Harmony blockchain is a single person or entity who stakes tokens and runs Harmony client software to validate blocks."

Well, in simple language - we help the Harmony blockchain to validate and authenticate transactions(blocks) and support the ecosystem. Our servers run 24x7 and contributes to the Harmony community while generating rewards for us and our delegates.

How can you help and earn $ONE?

If you are a Harmony $ONE holder, you are already part of the great ecosystem!

However, there is more to it - you can earn rewards by holding your $ONE and staking with us.


What is 'stake & earn'?

Staking crypto-currencies is a process that involves committing your crypto assets to support a blockchain network and confirm transactions.
Staking is a great way to generate passive income.

There are more benefits of staking;

  • Easy way to earn interest
  • Don't need any equipment or technical knowledge
  • Helps the security and efficiency of the blockchain
  • More environmentally friendly than mining

Stake & Earn Rewards

Dont just hold coins - put them to work
Follow these simple steps and start earning rewards!

Step-by-step guide coming soon!

About Us

Artist. Crypto enthusiast. Programmer. Community member. And now Harmony ONE validator

We're Reliable

Our validator servers are located across the globe for better up-time and higher performance.

We're Experienced

Our highly educated IT and operations teams with 15+ years of experience are always happy to help you.

We're Creative

Our NFT team produces graphics by hand & digital processes for personal connections to NFTs.

We're Dedicated

We work towards a common goal - #decentralization - and are dedicated to what we do.